Friday, January 4, 2008

starting anew...

in relation to my 2008 new year's resolution, here's another list of things that i intend to start doing. these are things that will hopefully help me become better in everything i do.

i need to START:

1. making an events schedule

at the end of each day, we always forget some "little" things that we promise to do but never gets done. that's why i think it's only necessary to have a schedule of all the things that needs to be done and accomplished.

2. making an expense schedule

following my resolution to handle my finances wisely this year, i intend to keep track and make allowances for both expected and unexpected expenses that may come my way. MS excel and i would probably the best of friends this year.

3. making a paying schedule

2007 must be my most challenging year when it comes to paying my debts which i try my hardest to limit to only a few bucks and only to a few people (who in turn trust me enough to lend me money). and so starting this january, i plan to start paying them and i guess it's only necessary to prioritize paying them. i hate having debts especially to my friends. but like i said, 2007 was a very trying year for me when it came to my finances.

now that i think of it, as i close the previous year, there were only two friends from whom i owe something. from one of them, i owe like 500 bucks. and from the other, too many to mention...that's why i need to strictly follow a schedule to start paying the other one in order not to get burden with it later on. plus, i need to (as much as possible) not add more to my already big debt. awww...i hate being broke! hehehe

4. making a savings schedule

this one, i'm not sure how i can accomplish...with so much to pay, and so little earnings...awww, i need a miracle for this one! huhuhu :(

5. making a study schedule

i plan to take advantage of my remaining 9-months in spi and try to learn and hopefully master sql. also, i plan on learning other stuff through the internet and the e-books that i'm keeping in
my documents folder...learn, learn, learn!

6. making a birthday schedule

though i was in time in greeting most of the birthday celebrants of 2007, i still missed a few of them. i want to strictly follow my birthday schedule this time. and hopefully, (if funds permit) get them gifts.

7. making a gift schedule

again, this will depend on the birthdays and of course, christmas. but will greatly depend on the budget! so pray that i get lots of money this year y'all!

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